Vision: Saint Columban's Montessori School envisions a Christ-centered, dynamic & effective Christian academic community.
Saint Columban's Montessori School is committed to do the following: Promote continuing growth and the spiritual, professional and personal life among members of the school's academic community; Ensure in our school the development of self-directed and responsible Catholic students who are academically and vocationally equipped and ready to serve others; Promote curricular programs that respond to poverty alleviation, justice and peace environment stewardship and responsible citizenship; Achieve quality and excellent education, deliver responsive and relevant educational opportunities among different types of students.; Achieve efficient and effective school governance practice; Ascertain the institutionalization of religion as core of the curriculum in our school and; Promote a culture of communion among members of the academic community in our school
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Read More62nd Commencement Exercises 6th Completion Rite! Theme: "Strengthening the quality of Education Amid the COVID -19 Pandemic"
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